Friday, December 25, 2009

Colon Cleansing System

As early as the ancient Greeks, colon cleansing system has been a part of the natural practices and tradition. In 1920’s, colon cleansing using fruit and colon irrigation became popular in the United States.

But what really is the importance of colon cleansing and is it safe to practice it?

The colon cleansing system can be categorized into two methods. The first one is the use of colon cleansing products. The second one includes a professional that will administer the colon cleansing method.

The use of colon cleansing products requires you to take supplements. This will force your colon to flush out the fecal matters. These products are available in local health stores and can also be ordered online. The following are samples of these products:

1. Laxatives
2. Oxygen powders
3. Capsules
4. Enemas
5. Herbal teas

It is highly recommended that you use organic and natural products like licorice root, psyllium husk and flax seeds to rinse, revitalize and supplement the digestion process.Use of natural and organic products helps in stimulating the muscle activity and regularization of bowel movements. This is important so that the colon can digest and absorb nutrients as well as condition the colon to have smooth flushing out of fecal wastes.

Another way of colon cleansing is high colonics. In 1900, the first machine to be used in this method was introduced. Nowadays, it is the colon therapists that are licensed to administer colon irrigation. This certain method is quite like the method of enema. However, high colonics involves more water and is less painful than enema. The process starts by asking you to lie down on a table. Then, a gravity-pump machine is use to flush up at least 15 gallons of water to your anus.

Water is administered in the colon as the therapist lightly massages your abdomen area to assist the body in flushing out the fecal wastes. The therapy session is repeated for at least an hour.

Water is necessary in order to be able to flush out the toxins and fecal matters that had been accumulated. Water should be sufficient enough so that the colon can get rid of the unwanted matters. The colon cleansing system will have a better result if you keep drinking water. The more water you drink, the more fecal wastes are going to be flush out of your body.

The colon therapists vary the pressures and temperature of the water being pump in. Some alternatives for water can be fruit enzymes, coffee and other herbs. Probiotics are recommended to revitalize the good bacteria that are flushed out during the process.

Colon cleansing has been practiced dating back to ancient times. The proof of this is autointoxication. It suggested the theory that the undigested food will be mounting up on the colon. This buildup will now produce toxic matters that will poison the whole system if it ever flows in the blood vessels.

The theory actually makes sense. The toxins are poisonous and even fatal if it is reabsorbed by the body.

How would you know if there are wastes building up on your colon? Some symptoms include constipation, acne, bad breath, headaches and loss of energy. The accumulation of wastes that can be reabsorbed by the body is dangerous and can lead up to a fatal condition such as the colon cancer.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What To Eat While Undergoing A Colon Cleanse System

A colon cleanse system is not only helpful for weight lose programs, but also in trying to regain good health. However, our propensity to eat junk foods is detrimental to our cleansing goal, as “junk” is what we are trying to cleanse ourselves of in the first place. The whole colon cleansing procedure is a process, and eating unhealthy foods can interrupt the whole method, aside from causing stomach aches, muscle spasms, and lethargy.

Junk or unhealthy foods do nothing to cleanse your colons. On the contrary, they clog and irritate you colon, and generally be harmful for your body.

Healthy foods are generally light and will be easy to digest. Our body will then have more energy to utilize to break down and extinguish wastes in our system. Most of us couldn’t tell what is good for our body and what isn’t. Here is a short list that we can easily follow:

1. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices

Juice extracts from fruits and vegetables are generally good for our colon, as there is no pulp to be processed and nutrients are quickly and directly taken in by our system. This increases our body’s energy for cleansing and washing out more fecal wastes. We will feel refreshed and rejuvenated when the enzymes from the fresh juices start working on our body.

The enzymes also help our body get rid of the processed refined sugar that we consume. Fructose does not undergo digestion and we are likely to gain weight from these.

Just make sure that what you are taking is fresh juices, and not bottled ones. The fruit enzymes are dead in these bottled juices, so they are not as nearly helpful.

2. Fruits

Fresh fruits themselves are nature’s cleansers which aid in our body’s cleansing process. Since our body is more likely to perform its natural cleansing in the morning, it is best to always have fresh fruits as part of our breakfast.

3. Vegetables

Vegetables are also great body cleansers, but we must learn how to properly take it. Raw vegetables, or vegetable salads, are best taken during lunch time. Around this time of day, our digestive enzymes are at its peak. If we decide to eat vegetables during our evening meals, then take slightly cooked vegetable dishes. We must much our natural digestive cycles with what we eat so we can maximize the benefits we get from dietary foods.

4. Grains

Rice, quinoa, amaranth, and flax seeds are the healthy grains that works excellently to cleanse our colon. When undergoing a colon cleanse system, we shouldn’t eat pasta as it will interrupt our rejuvenating process. Grains slow down our body’s ability to digest. This means that the more we eat grains, the slower and more effective our natural cleansing will be.

5. Meat

We should continue to eat meat such as red meat, turkey, chicken, or even fish. Even though they are harder to digest and are not as effective cleansers, we still need the nutrients we can derive from it.

Remember that a colon cleanse system is just an additional help for our body. More importantly, we need to develop our body’s natural colon cleansing system by eating the right types of foods.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Colon Cleanse System Reduces the Risk of Colon Cancer

It is widely accepted that a colon cleanse system can help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Colorectal cancer or colon cancer ranks third on the list of causes of cancer deaths in the United States. It all begins as small clump of non-cancerous cells known as adenomatous polyps. Significant change in the bowel movements, regular constipation, flatulence, rectal bleeding, severe stomach pain and lethargy are some of the signs and symptoms that patients experience when they are already on the high stage of colon cancer.

Experts has been considering ways on how to prevent colon cancer and they believe that a regular colon cleansing maybe one of the ways. By keeping the colon clean, we can avoid the buildup of toxins in the colon wall. If there is no buildup, the cancer polyps will never develop or advance to cause cancer.

Going through colon cleansing or body detoxification can provide your body with lots of health benefits. Both colon cleansing and body cleansing is important for a healthy living. They are different in the manner that body cleansing help the whole body rather than focusing on a certain area, in this case the colon. And because it is focus on an area it tends to give faster results.

Both the colon cleansing and body cleansing processes have the task of removing body toxins that harmful to the body. Other advantage of a colon cleanser is it aids in losing weight, increasing body’s energy, cleansing your whole digestive system, breaks down fecal wastes accumulated in the colon, reduces bloating and decreases water retention. Maintaining a smooth operation and functions of your cologne is important.

Here are some methods on how you can reduce the possibility of colon cancer:

1. If you notice some signs and symptoms of colon cancer, set-up a doctor’s appointment.

Colon cancer is one of the common cancers in the world. They can be treated when it is diagnosed at an early stage. But, there are some who claim that it is normal for a colon cancer patient not to feel symptoms at an early stage. Those who are on the fourth stage commonly experience sever pains.

2. Ask a routine check-up and perform a colon cancer exam especially for people age above 50 years old.
Approximately 90% of colon cancer patients are those 50 years old. The average diagnostic age is about 64 years old. The possibility of people, age 50 and above, to acquire polyps is about 1 in 4. It is better to monitor your health by getting diagnostic exam for colon cancer

3. Partake in daily activities and maintain an active lifestyle

It was found out that an active lifestyle helps decrease the risk of colon cancer to about 40%. At the same time, regular exercises will lessen the penchant of being obese and diabetes which can also be the factors that will lead to colon cancer.

4. Give up your smoking habits

Smoking can cause lots of disease and one of them is colon cancer. Smoking weakens your body. Inhaling tobacco increases the risk because it can transmit carcinogens to the colon and raise the size of cancer polyp.

5. Do not expose yourself to radiation

Colon cancer can be a result of radiation exposure. A study conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has found out that regular exposure to cosmic radiation can assist in acquiring colorectal cancer.

6. Have a healthy diet

The risk of colon cancer is bigger to people who loves to eat foods that are rich in cholesterol and fat. It is better to eat foods containing natural fibers such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and legumes. These types of foods reduce your risk of having colon cancer.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The 5 Major Colon Cleanse Systems

To prevent health problems, it is suggested that everyone will have to undergo a regular colon cleanse at least twice a year. You can have the choice of what method to use. There are currently 5 major colon cleanse systems that you can employ to clean your colon. These are: colon irrigation, organic supplements, laxatives, enema, and oxygen-based colon cleansers.

One of the most effective colon cleanse system is the oxygen-based colon cleanse system. In the oxygen colon cleanse system, oxygen is gradually released into the blood vessels and flushes out accumulated toxic wastes from the colon. The gradual release of oxygen will make the colon a toxic and harmful environment for the bad bacteria. The toxins are flushed out of the body, while good bacteria remain to aid in the proper digestion.

Another method is the use of fiber-based colon cleanse system. These products have psyllium ingredients that scrape beneficial matters out through the center of the blocked colon and will cleanse the entire colon. A totally clean colon will make the bowel movement normal.

If you plan a colon cleanse treatment, make sure that you have time. Colon cleansing takes time, if you are working, try starting your treatment during Friday evening so that you can easily do it during the weekend. Better yet, if it is possible you can ask for a vacation leave since thorough activities will have significant effects on the colon cleanse process such as gastric distress, painful bowel movements and even nausea.

During the cleansing process, it is recommended to eat the right foods. It is advised that you should eat the right amount of healthy foods, preferably fruits and vegetables. Eating the right types of foods will immensely help the cleansing process. Before you start anything, you should consult your doctor to find out about your health concerns, the expected side effects and symptoms when you undergo a colon process.

Signs and symptoms of an unhealthy colon include fatigue, energy loss, painful bowels, and flatulence, acne, eczema and yeast infections. Learn about the different colon cleanse systems before going through with it. It is important that we keep our colon healthy. It is for the overall wellness of the body.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Acai Berry Colon Cleanse System

Most recently, many people have realized that an Acai Berry Colon Cleanse System is proving to be far more effective than any other colon cleanse systems in the market.

It is a common notion that fat people got big because they are too lazy to move or exercise. That is not always true. Experts also believe that everyday stress can contribute greatly to being fat. The pressures of kids, work, or school are big factors on why people gain weight. If you happen to be really busy and stress with these issues, you certainly will not be thinking of exercising. For instance, a woman who had weight 125 lbs throughout her entire single life could get as big as 200 lbs after she had her first baby.

A new diet for weight loss and colon cleanse had become popular recently after being featured in the Oprah Winfrey Show. It was co hosted by Dr. Oz and had gained popularity among colon cleansers. Acai berry is a “super food” from the rainforest of Amazon. It is believed to be much more effective than pomegranate or red wine in detoxification. It also helps in losing weight because it was confirmed to reduce food cravings and hunger by raising the body’s energy level.

Dr. Mehmet Oz presented this colon cleansing product in an episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show. He then proceeded in demonstrating the effectiveness of this wonder berry and encouraged every person to at least try the product. He mentions that the United States health society is one of the best in the human history yet only a small part of the population are using natural and organic products to change their lifestyle.

Dr. Oz also mentions that using acai berries will not only help in colon cleansing but can also be a additional aid for those who is trying to lose weight. He reminded people how we keep accumulating fecal matters and toxins in our colon and how they get stuck in the large intestine. These trapped matters are the cause of the few extra pounds that line our midsection. Colon cleansing is the process used to take these fecal toxins out of our system.

Through numerous scientific studies and experiments, it was proven that the healthy acai berry is one of the high sources of various vitamins and minerals. Acai (pronounced as ah-sigh-ee) is a nutritious berry grown from a palm tree in the Amazon rainforest. It is generally harvested in Brazil and tastes like a garish blend of fruits and chocolates. This type of berry has a royal purple color.

Acai berries are packed with anti-oxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids. They are also rich in Vitamin B complex, minerals, natural fibers, protein and omega 3 and omega 9 beneficial fatty acids. Acai berries remove toxins and eradicate fecal matters that are not normally taken out through bowel movements. Aside from being an effective colon cleanser, acai berries also can help you to control metabolism, reduce hunger, raise energy levels of the body and lose extra weight from the body. They also reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

A good number of people who combined acai berry supplements in their daily habit believe that they are healthier and more active than before.They have more energy and can do lots of things both at home and at work. This gives them a healthy and balanced lifestyle. In addition, they are also satisfied with their brand new lean bodies.

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Homemade Colon Cleanse System

There are a lot of different colon cleanse systems available now in the market. However, do you know that you can make an effective homemade colon cleanse system? Colon Cleansing and Body Cleansing are both important for a healthy living. They both cleanse the body except that the colon cleansing focuses on one part – the colon.

Both body cleansing and colon cleansing acts to remove harmful wastes and toxins in the body. However, since the colon cleanser concentrates on one part only it actually works faster. The main functions of a colon cleanse system are to breakdown fecal wastes accumulated in the colon, cleanses the whole digestive system, reduces bloating, decreases water retention and maintains a smooth action of the colon. The colon cleanse system also helps in losing weight and increasing the body’s energy.

If you do not want to take medicated and prescription drugs, there are other therapies and techniques that you can have as an alternative in improving your cleansing system. These include the methods in the form of ancient therapy or that of a natural and organic dietary plan.

A homemade colon cleanse system can usually be in the form of:

1. A simple dietary plan

This method usually entails that the person will not be eating heavy foods. The light diet will consist mostly of soups and vegetable salads.

2. Fruit juices

Fruit juices are necessary to avoid dehydration. A fruit juice that contains pulps such as carrots, orange, mango and celery is the best choice.

3. Enemas
Administering enema is done by inserting a tube in the anus then injecting distilled water or coffee to clear out the accumulated wastes. Doing colon cleansing on your own is a serious task at first. It gets easier to do the next times that you need to do it.

Another favorite cleansing solution is fasting. But this is quite hard to do and would entail a great deal of sacrifice. And according to some nutritionist and dietitian, fasting alone is not enough to clean our colons.

You should first consult your doctor before starting your fasting. Fasting have many restrictions,. For example, it is not advisable for people suffering from chronic diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis. The fasting process should begin by drinking fruit juices.

At present there are recent colon cleanse systems that are being practiced. For instance, the home colon cleanse system is a process wherein gravity is used to flush out fecal wastes. There is also another alternative known as holistic medication system. In a holistic medication system, the process is done by a professional and will analyze the illness in a medical perspective. In this manner, they can rightfully decide which treatments available are more appropriate.

Another alternate method is the Ayurveda treatment. This is an ancient practice in India, where a storehouse is utilized for valuable herbs that treat disease in a natural way. Haritaki, Amalaki and Bibhitaki are only a few of the herbs that have special qualities that help in getting rid of toxic impurities.

Colon irrigation can also be done to cleanse the colon. You will be getting a home colonic board for this treatment. As oppose when using enema, with colon irrigation you don’t need to run to the bathroom to flush out your wastes in a hurry.

Colon cleansing was seen as a major job for a doctor in ancient China. They use the term “chi” to refer to a high level of energy that can be achieved once the colon has been cleanse. They use different types of herbs and spices that can be found in a common kitchen to administer colon cleansing.

Whatever method you may use, the important fact is that it is possible to cleanse our colon using the homemade colon cleanse system.

The 7 Day Colon Cleanse System

Colon cleansing is an effective way to get your colon working properly. The colon is a part of the large intestine which main functions include absorbing water and salt from feces. Contrary to popular belief, feces are not entirely flushed out through our bowel movement. Some fecal matters remain hardened in the large intestine. The remaining substances are accumulated in the intestine as time goes by and could result to numerous problems such as constipation and bowel discomfort. That is why it is important to have your colon cleanse out once in a while. A colon cleansing system can have many helpful effects to your body and your overall health. There are different colon problems and issues that can be avoided by having a colon cleansing program. You have various methods to choose from on how you want to go through the colon cleansing process. One of them is the seven day colon cleanse system.

It is now a common practice to do your own colon cleanse system using a colon cleansing kit. These colon cleansing kits are made from organic or natural herbal mixtures and some uses synthetic cleansing supplements. Natural or organic kits are recommended by most physicians as opposed to other synthetic supplements. They found out that the natural cleansing kits are more suited to the human body.

Natural or organic cleansing kits are made up of components like dandelion root, psyllium husks, licorice root and acai berry. Psyllim husks are very rich in natural fibers which are a fine element to use to cleanse our colons. These kits are available in the local shops and health centers in your area.

Before going through the process, make sure that you understand all the instructions. It is important that you follow these instructions carefully. Check all contraindications and find out the side effects of these medications especially if you are using the synthetic drugs or any over the counter drugs. It would even be better if you consult your doctor before taking them to know if the drugs and mixtures could have any harmful interaction with other supplements. A health professional such as a dietitian can help you understand and be ready to go through the cleansing process.

Different websites and other online sources also offer much information on different diagnosis, side effects and contraindications of different colon cleansers. You can read the reviews and find about the experiences of the people who had used a certain product. This would be helpful in deciding what medication you want to use. Once you are positive about the product you will use, you are now ready to begin the process of seven day colon cleansing.

The seven day colon cleanse system can be administered by trained professionals such as a nutritionist or dietitian. However it can also be done at home, just remember to be extra careful. You will need to follow a specific diet in the span of the seven day cleansing system so as to achieve the optimum result.

The specific diet will mostly include fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Whole grains are rich in fiber and is found from pasta, rice and oatmeal. You can check if it is a 100 percent grain product by checking the label which is often indicated on the packages. Remember that a whole wheat product is very different to a whole grain product.

During this colon cleansing process, it is suggested to have a diet consist mostly of whole grain products. A great diet along with other healthy food practices and exercise will only enhance the result of the colon cleanse system.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Colon Cleanse System Using Fiber and Enema

To undergo a rigorous colon cleanse system you have to go through two stages. First is to increase the fiber intake to facilitate an assist on the bowel movement. Next is the administration of enema to clear blockage.

Nowadays, unhealthy foods like chips, fries, burgers, soda and alcoholic beverages are a common component of our daily food intake. In this society of fast foods and instant foods, our colon is virtually being destroyed.

Our colon, aside from elimination of fecal wastes also functions to absorb water, nutrients and salt from the food particles that pass through the large intestine. If the wastes build up on the colon it will not function properly. If water is insufficient, the waste will transform into liquid causing diarrhea. The liquid form passes through the colon too quickly and the nutrients will not be absorbed properly. This will result to dehydration and hunger pangs.

On the other hand, you will have other problems if the colon absorbs too much water. The waste will now move more slowly and has a great possibility of blocking the intestine. This will result to constipation and bloating.

Enema is an effective colon cleanser although some consider it uncomfortable. Although you may feel a little uneasy, using an enema to clean your colon is painless. Water is very important for our body to have the capability to remove toxins and other fecal matters. The more water that you drink, the more fecal wastes your body will be able to flush out of your system. This will improved the result of the colon cleansing process.

You can use an enema to clear out the fecal waste that has build up in the colon. This is suggested before starting a supplement-based colon cleanser, especially if you are experiencing some symptoms of a clogged colon. On colon cleansing treatments, most people use at least two enema treatment in a session to thoroughly clean the colon. Even if some professionals recommend using an enema everyday, it should depend on the frequency of your bowel movement.

A normal colon usually measures around five or six feet long and can hold around 20 lbs of fecal wastes. Nevertheless, as time passes by without any intervention and proper fiber diet, these fecal wastes gather in the colon and intestinal lining resulting to an increase in total body mass of the person. It results to a bulky midsection commonly known as apple obesity or beer belly.

It is proper for a person to have at least two bowel movement everyday. Exercises can be done to have a normal bowel movement. One example is the trampoline exercise which improve the mobility of digestive tracts. If you have no space for the trampoline, a twisting exercise is a good alternative. Twisting exercise focusing on your abdomen will strengthen your core muscles. A developed abdominal muscle also helps in the cleansing process.

During the colon cleaning process, one should increase their fiber intake to facilitate the process itself. However, even after the process is accomplished it is suggested to take enough fiber to maintain a clean colon. Nutritionists even recommend that an average person take the standard 30 grams of fiber each day.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Colon Cleanse System Fundamentals

The following are the fundamentals of a colon cleanse system.

The primary function of the large intestine, or the colon, is the absorption of the residual salt and water from the food particles. The residue or the waste after this process are the fecal wastes which are temporarily stored in the large intestine or the colon.Perhaps you have a lot of basic information already regarding colon health issues and the different methods employed in a colon cleansing program. If you have never been into a colon cleanse system before then it is vitally important that you have enough background knowledge about any colon cleanse system,and how can be beneficial to your body and your overall health.

Perhaps the biggest misconception that many people have is that they think that bowel movements remove all feces completely. This is false.The remaining fecal wastes sometimes harden in the large intestine resulting to many health complications such as constipation and bowel discomfort.

This is where a colon cleanse sytem comes in. It assists the body in neutralizing the toxins brought about by the residual fecal wastes. The restoration and maintenance of your overall health is generally dependent on the state of your digestion. Thus, colon cleansing is very essential when you want to have a healthy digestion and better lifestyle.

Colon cleansing kits that are being marketed in the internet is not recommended by most dietitians and nutritionists. They are effective but they are expensive. The main ingredient of these cleansing products is licorice root, dandelion root or psyllium husk. These organic materials are very high in fiber. You don’t need to pay at least a hundred dollars just to get a high intake of fiber. You can buy these ingredients in any health stores.

Colon cleansing can help the normal function of the digestive system for digestion, absorption of nutrients and elimination of wastes. That’s when we need colon cleansing and based on the amount of fecal wastes our body needs to release, a person can experience side effects such as joint pains, headache, fever, cold, headache and fatigue.

However these side effects are temporary and will normally clear within two to three days after the colon cleansing. Furthermore, most of these symptoms are not particularly side effects from the products itself but from the process of eliminating wastes and toxins from our body.

The best method of determining whether the colon cleanse system is successful or not is to take a closer look into your overall health, and food practices. As an example, a colon cleanse product might have a strong laxative in addition to the normal cleansing agent that is only recommended for a short period of time. Furthermore, a colon cleanse that is administered with a product to get rid of intestinal parasites needs to be taken slower but for longer duration to take out fecal wastes including parasites and their eggs.

Colon cleanse products also supplement the digestion because it also has digestive enzymes such as glutamine and Vitamin D3 which are important for healthy digestion and overall wellness.

Everyone needs to undergo a colon cleansing at least once a year. If a person experience the following symptoms, a colon cleanse system is suggested:

1. Constipation
2. Flatulence
3. Fatigue
4. Bloating
5. Diarrhea
6. Cold
7. Flu
8. Acne
9. Eczema
10. Colitis
11. Parasites
12. Allergies

While in the process of cleansing, it is recommended that you should eat the right amount of healthy foods, preferably fruits and vegetables. Make an effort in preparing these foods because it greatly helps in a well-rounded colon cleanse system.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Colon Cleanse System - Why Is It Needed?

If you have been wondering what is a colon cleanse and why a person needs a colon cleanse system then this article is for you. Many of the biggest health problems facing mankind today can be attributed, in one way or another, to an unhealthy colon. Some examples of colon-related health problems are bladder disorders, body odor, kidney infection,constipation, yeast infection, and colon cancer. It is no wonder that colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in the United States.

The colon or the large intestine is the part of the body which can be considered as the body's fuel station and the waste management section at the same time. The colon has two main functions. The first is to get rid of the toxins and the accumulated fecal wastes and the second is to absorb the salt, water, and other minerals that are not yet absorbed by the small intestine.

It is in the colon where most of the remaining water from the food is extracted out.This leaves food particles that are undigested, bad bacteria, hormone wastes, bile acids, unused mucus and dead cells that have been removed from the intestinal lining. Some bacteria can also spread toxins if the bowel movement is not regular. An average adult human is recommended to eliminate wastes at least two or three a day.

There are other causes of indigestion and constipation aside from the known causes. These reasons include food components, lack of regular exercise and excessive dosage of synthetic drugs. A colon that is properly functioning is very important to the overall wellness of your body. Aside from the symptoms, an individual can also have skin problems, muscle pains and joint pains. Most people have intestinal problems but are generally unaware.

To prevent health problems, everyone are recommended to undergo a regular colon cleanse at least twice a year. There are five major colon cleanse systems that you can employ to clean your colon such as colon irrigation, organic supplements, laxatives, enema and oxygen-based colon cleansers.

One of the most effective colon cleanse therapy is the oxygen-based colon cleanse system. In the oxygen colon cleanse system, the accumulated fecal wastes are destroyed. Oxygen is released in a carefully controlled manner into the blood vessels and flushes out accumulated toxic wastes from the colon. Through a smooth release of the oxygen, this process creates a harmful environment for bacteria that causes toxicity in the colon. These toxins are removed from the body, while good bacteria remain to aid in the proper digestion.

Fiber-based products have psyllium ingredients that scrape beneficial matters out through the center of the blocked colon, this also cleanse the entire colon. By cleaning the colon totally, bowel movements return to normal.

Colon cleansing needs time, if you are working, try starting your regimen during Friday evening so that it will be finished in the weekend. Better yet, you can ask for a vacation leave since rigorous activities will have significant effects on the colon cleanse process such as gastric distress, painful bowel movements and even nausea.

While in the process of cleansing, it is recommended that you should eat the right amount of healthy foods, preferably fruits and vegetables. Make an effort in preparing these foods because it greatly helps in the process. Before doing anything, you should consult your doctor and ask for your health concerns, side effects and symptoms while undergoing a colon process.

Some signs and symptoms of an unhealthy colon could include fatigue, energy loss, painful bowels, and flatulence, acne, eczema and yeast infections. Since colon health is very important in the overall wellness of the body, it is wise to read some information first before you sign up to any colon cleanse treatment.